So today is my 2 year anniversary of arriving in Japan! In light of my anniversary (and more I will explain), I'm making a Japan blogging mission statement;
Saying goodbye at YVR |
"This blog will be to share what my daily life in Miyazaki, Japan is like. Posts will be about my experiences from now, especially as they are compared with my reflections of the past 2 years".
Vancouver JET friends about to start
their journey together! |
So onto the more I said I would explain... I know that this is my last year in Japan. From now the clock is ticking. My time is slowly drawing to a close and Vancouver is pulling me home. I'm so happy to know this early so that I can go into every experience with it in mind and cherish all the "last times" that will be coming my way. This may sound overly dramatic to those that don't know me - well I'm a pretty sentimental person and I like this about myself! The other aspect too (it's not all me being gushy) is Japan's affinity for seasonal changes and incredible annual festivals. You'll see what I mean if you continue to follow my blog over the next year. I hope you do.
Day 1 of ESID Training |
Let's explore Tokyo! |
So where was I two years ago? Days were spent sweating in a suit listening to presentations at the JET Welcome Conference, where I learned that "every situation is different" and collected a lot of papers I haven't looked at since! But I think the most valuable thing about the conference is the chance to meet others, make connections, and know that you are not alone even though you are far from home.
Nights were spent out exploring the big, bright, bustling city of Tokyo with my Vancouver JET friends. I was hot, tired, and jet-lagged with a little bit of deer-in-headlights syndrome, but mostly my energy was high and I was excited to finally be starting the Japan adventure! Everything was new and incredibly exciting!
At first I was so surprised by
the characters everywhere,
and now it seems so normal! |
I remember my first impressions of Tokyo. I couldn't understand anything; it was all in "hieroglyphics", as my father aptly said during my parents' visit last spring. There were vending machines around every corner, sometimes rows and rows of them. I was overwhelmed by the many neon signs jumping out at me from every direction, but especially high above me. The city seemed to go endlessly upwards, and exploring these buildings I found that there was a completely new world on every floor and through every door.
Neon lights just going up, up, up! |
While I knew to expect it, I was also surprised by how prevalent the anime culture was. And while I didn't come to Japan seeking it out or excited for it, it's definitely been interesting to see this unique side of Japan.
A brightly painted elevator taking us between "worlds" in Tokyo. |
Taking a train even just one stop over was a confusing and crowded ordeal, in which I was relieved to have others with me who seemed to know how to get a ticket and where to go, because the map looked more like a colourful spider's web to me. I'm glad that I could be as capable when exploring Tokyo with my parents a year and a half later! Human adaptability is an amazing thing.
In my next post;
Exploring my New Home - Miyazaki!
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